About Us
About Us
For almost 20 years thru character building and challenging outdoor skills troop 101 and pack 160 take the boys of today and make the men of tomorrow. Scoutmaster Roger Sanchez, Pack Leader (name name) and committee member are not only leaders but parents who volunteer many hours of their free time to provide a safe and secure environment for the boys. In the past 3 years Troop 101 has advanced a dozen boys to the rank of Eagle. Many went on to have success in college, military academies and beyond.
Roger Sanchez (ScoutMaster)
Mike McPherson (Committee Member)
Mark Yamarone (Committee Member)
David Raba (Committee Member)
John Hermesmeyer (Committee member)
John Parker (Commitee Member)
Lenie Hauerbach (Commitee Member)
All our scoutmasters and assistants are fully trained according BSA standards and accreditations as well as fully Virtus trained National Catholic Risk Retention Group.